GEOX Engineering has performed several works for ScottishPower Renewables including multi-faceted drivetrain and blade bearing inspection & analyses. Their work had always been delivered to a high standard and has provided valuable insights into wind turbine component conditions which have subsequently helped inform our operational and maintenance decisions.
Health, Safety, Quality & Environmental best practice. Data and results accurate and reliable. Engineering standards and best practice led service. We establish a common language with clients around reporting.
What Our
Clients Say

GEOX Engineering completed a comprehensive analysis and independent gearbox inspection on a 30T critical plant crane for one of our important customers. George and the team not only provided a highly professional job but also a 3-step solution for the customer. GEOX provided quality evidence and verification to support target safety levels for extended operation of the crane could no longer be maintained. Would highly recommend to companies needing market leading independent critical plant inspections.

We have worked with Geox for several years now and they have always provided excellent, professional work and reports. Highly recommend them to anyone who needs specialised major component analysis.
Since 2018, George and the team at GEOX has provided technically sound and cost effect inspection services to 30 aging Vestas V4X turbines that are Asset Managed by BVG Associates (BVGA). As part of supporting the owners’ journey to life-extend these assets, we engaged GEOX to carry out walk down inspections as well as more detailed drive train condition analysis. Those inspections helped inform plans and associated budgets for ongoing proactive inspections and component replacements necessary to continue operating the assets beyond 20 years. GEOX continue to provide a cost-effective proactive inspection service as well as where necessary reactive inspections and repairs.
In addition, we trust GEOX to be an independent set of eyes and ears to monitor the quality of service provided by the incumbent O&M provider. Only once in the last five years have we had to go to an alternative supplier for inspection services. GEOX continue to be our “go to” for inspection services and associated technical wisdom.